The Pediatric Pulmonary Training Directors Association (PEPTDA) is delighted to once again host this poster session highlighting US Pediatric Pulmonary Fellowship Programs’ unique characteristics at the ATS 2025 International Conference. All US pediatric fellowship programs are invited to display a poster showcasing their strengths and frameworks. This interactive in-person session allows attendees with the opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of various programs throughout the country, which would then inform their decisions when embarking on the application process.
- To increase visibility of individual pediatric pulmonology training programs for residents and students considering pediatric pulmonology fellowship
- To highlight programs of varying sizes and geographic locations, and showcase different individual characteristics of each program
- Offer a platform for networking for future collaboration
- Programs need to sign up if they are interested in participating in this poster session. SPACE is limited. Please use this link to sign up ASAP by April 1, 2025.
- Program representatives (PD, APD, Fellow or designated faculty member) should be present in-person during the designated session time
- Programs will need to bring in their own posters and hang them on the poster boards at the time of the event. The room will accommodate two 2 posters to a board
- Poster board size – 36”w x 36”h (91cm w x 91cm h)- Please customize poster to this size to fit our boards
- Posters may use QR codes for more information.
- Please disassemble your posters/posted materials by the end of the session
- Any materials left on the poster board at the end of the session will be removed and discarded
- ATS will not be responsible for posters left at the end of session
- Please contact Lauren Lynch at