When you become a member of our global American Thoracic Society community of 16,000+ health care providers and researchers, you'll have access to:
- Cutting-Edge Science through ATS Journals and Publications
- Discounts on the Annual ATS International Conference, CME, and ATS Ed+ Products
- A Robust, Collaborative Online Medical Community of Peers in our ATS DocMatter Community
Membership Categories and Fees
Cutting-Edge Medical Journals and Publications
ATS members receive subscriptions to:
- All Four ATS Scientific Research Journals
- The daily ATS Morning Minute, which is delivered to your inbox Monday through Friday.
- The weekly ATS STAT member newsletter, which is distributed every Wednesday.
ATS members also receive copies of the ATS Patient Education Series (multiple languages available), access to more than 150 clinical statements, guidelines, and reports; free Springer e-books on respiratory medicine (discounts on print books); and discounts on submission fees, page charges, and color art fees in the ATS Journals.
Access Member Discounts on Conferences, Education Programs, and products
ATS members save more than nonmembers with discounts on:
- ATS International Conference Registration (one discounted registration permitted per year).
- ATS International Conference: On-Demand Highlights.
- ATS MECOR Courses (Methods in Epidemiologic, Clinical, and Operations Research)
- Products in the ATS Store.
Join the ATS DocMatter Community
Your ATS membership gives you access to our robust online community on DocMatter, which allows for collaboration among ATS members. This is a place for members to engage in open, in-depth, clinical, and research-based discussions and ask/answer questions about cases, the latest research, emerging technologies, best practices, or other topics of interest. It’s also a great way for ATS International Conference attendees to continue the conversation!
Make Connections with Your Complimentary Assemblies Membership
As an ATS member, you’ll receive complimentary membership in up to three of 14 interest-specific ATS Assemblies of your choosing.
Join Our Local and Global Advocacy Efforts
ATS members are kept informed of the Society’s advocacy efforts with complimentary subscriptions to the ATS Washington Letter, ATS Coding and Billing Quarterly, and ATS Research News Quarterly.
ATS members work together to advocate for cleaner air, smoking cessation, and tuberculosis control, among other public health issues. The Annual ATS Hill Day has brought together advocacy volunteers in Washington, D.C. where participating members gain insight into key issues for the Society and advocate on Capitol Hill on behalf of their patients with respiratory, critical care, and sleep disorders.
Access Career Development Resources
- ATS members can post their resume or job position on the ATS Job Board.
- Our early career members have access to career development opportunities and resources that are designed to help pave the way for their success.
Advance Science and Invest in Young Investigators via the ATS Research Program
Our members have the opportunity to help support the ATS mission to improve the health and well-being of patients who are suffering from pulmonary disease, critical illness, and sleep disorders with financial gifts that help support the research of young, promising investigators in the ATS Research Program.
Additional Member Benefits
- Access to the ATS Member Roster
- Membership Certificate (log in and print your certificate)
- Right to vote for ATS leaders and to serve as ATS-wide committee chairs and committee members (Full and Trainee members, only.)
- Right to hold ATS-wide office (Full members, only.)
- Right to receive ATS-wide recognition and awards.