Pre-Conference May 16 & 17
International Conference May 18-21
San Francisco





Distinguished Achievement Awardees

HomeAboutConference History ▶ Distinguished Achievement Awardees

The Distinguished Achievement Award recognizes outstanding major contribution(s) that advance the missions of the American Thoracic Society. Awardees have made substantial contributions to prevention, diagnosis and treatment of lung disease, critical illness, or sleep disorders through leadership in research, education, or critical care. The scope of accomplishments may also include advocacy, training, and mentorship. This award may recognize one major accomplishment or cumulative impact on the field.

1994 Katherine H.K. Hsu, MD
1995 Sol Katz, MD Thomas L. Petty, MD
1996 Robert B. Mellins, MD Robert O. Crapo, MD
1997 Alan K. Pierce, MD Margaret R. Becklake, MD
1998 Robert M. Senior, MD Ann J. Woolcock, MD
1999 No awards presented
2000 Joseph R. Rodarte, MD
2001 Mary Ellen B. Wohl, MD Roberta M. Goldring, MD
2002 Robert M. Rogers, MD Lynn Taussig, MD
2003 Kenneth L. Brigham, MD A. Charles Bryan, MBBS
2004 Ronald M. Davis, MD Lawrence D.H. Wood, MD, PhD
2005 Frank E. Speizer, MD Martin J. Tobin, MD
2006 James H. Dauber, MD Karlman Wasserman, MD, PhD
2007 Francois Lemaire, MD David J. Pierson, MD
2008 Moira Chan-Yeung, MBBS Kingman P. Strohl, MD
2009 Richard W. Light, MD Richard C. Boucher, MD
2010 Jacques H. Grosset, MD Robert A. Wise, MD
2011 John J. Marini, MD J.A. Peter Pare, MD
2012 Francis X. McCormack Jr., MD Galen B. Toews, MD
2013 Polly E. Parsons, MD Alan L. Plummer, MD
2014 Bonnie Ramsey, MD William Rom, MD, MPH
2015 Steven H. Abman, MD Paul M. Quinton, PhD
2016 Claire M. Doerschuk, MD J. Usha Raj, MD
2017 Jack Gauldie, PhD, DSc Steven D. Shapiro, MD
2018 Qutayba Hamid, MBChB, PhD Monica Kraft, MD
2019 John Hansen-Flaschen, MD, ATSF Meir Kryger, MD
2020 John R. Balmes, MD Anne E. Dixon, MA, BM BCh, ATSF
2021 Antonino Catanzaro, MD Theodore F. Reiss, MD, MBE, ATSF
2022 Meilan K. Han, MD, MS, ATSF Francine Comi, BS
2023 Sharron J. Crowder, PhD, RN Jennifer L. Taylor-Cousar, MD, MSc
2024 Jeffrey L. Curtis MD, ATSF, FERS Sonye K. Danoff MD, PhD, ATSF

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