Pre-Conference May 16 & 17
International Conference May 18-21
San Francisco





Networking Exchange for Early Career Professionals

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Saturday, May 18
5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
San Diego Convention Center
Sails Pavilion Terrace

The Network Exchange is a welcome event for all Early Career Professionals (residents, fellows, post docs, IP members, and other medical professionals) and takes place on Saturday following the Opening Ceremony. This one-hour event allows attendees to network and mingle with peers as well as provides information at the start of the conference. This event includes cocktails and appetizers.

What to expect at the one-hour event?

  • Come mingle with colleagues, mentors and peers
  • Learn about the ATS Road Map and How to Get Involved with ATS
  • Learn how you can become an ATS member for FREE and much more
  • Leadership and ambassadors will wear fun party hats for this occasion. Feel free to ask them any questions or just say hello!

This event is organized by the Members in Transition and Training (MITT) committee. This event is free to paid conference registrants, Questions? Please email

Networking Exchange