Polling (ARS) Speaker Guide

HomeSpeakers ▶ Polling (ARS) Speaker Guide

Only sessions with approved ARS will have access to this feature.

Default Settings

Speakers to insert:

  • a question slide with answer listed.
  • duplicate the above slide with correct answer noted (if any)- this will be replaced with automated polling slide.
  • There will be a 20-second timer on the automated polling slide.

How to Prepare Your Slide Deck

  1. Insert the slide with the questions and answer choices where you would like the poll to appear. At this time we only support multiple choice type questions, up to 5 answer choices.
  2. Duplicate the above slide with the question and answer choices, and with the CORRECT answer noted (if any). This slide will be REPLACED with the automated polling slide.  If you have more than one poll, continue to do this throughout your slide deck
  3. There is no limit to how many polls you can have in your presentation.

Our team will take care of the rest and configure the polls into our system and your slide deck. Your duplicate question slides will be replaced with automated polling slides.

During Your Presentation: How Will It Work for You (As the Presenter)?

When you reach the initial question slide, please take your time and use this slide to explain the question and answer choices. Once you advance to the next slide, it will automatically activate the poll on attendee devices and the 20-second timer will begin.

The number of votes casted and seconds remaining will display at the bottom.

Once the timer is complete, the correct answer will be displayed.

During Your Presentation: Ways for the Audience to Participate in the Poll

Users must have the ATS 2024 app downloaded and be logged in.

  • Mobile App
    • Use the device's camera app and scan the QR code on polling slide.
    • Attendees can also navigate to the session and select the polls icon.
  • ATSConference365
    • Log into the platform and navigate to the session

Tip: At the beginning of the session, let the audience know the session will have interactive polling through the conference app and ATSConference365. Remind attendees to have the app downloaded or navigate to the sesson on ATSConference365 and be logged in.

Questions? Please email Ho Young Hung at