Clinical and Scientific Sessions
Sessions will be held at the Moscone Center (747 Howard Street, San Francisco, CA 94103).
ATS 2025 San Francisco will offer the latest information on clinical, basic, and translational science in pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine. Browse ATSConference365 to view the Clinical and Scientific sessions and abstracts accepted for program at ATS 2025.
(Pre-Conference) Postgraduate Courses
ATS 2025 will offer 18 comprehensive full-day and 2 half-day postgraduate courses on topics covering pulmonary, critical care, sleep medicine, and pediatric content. Postgraduate courses are a great way for audiences from a variety of backgrounds to get an in-depth overview of the latest guidelines and clinical practices. Join us during ATS 2025, for both hands-on, skills-based courses as well as didactic lecture based courses. Participants will also have the opportunity to take part in group tasks, learning new skills while also being an opportunity for networking.
Pre-registration and additional fee are required. Continental breakfast, lunch, and light refreshments will be served for the full-day courses.
- PG1A Critical Care Ultrasound and Echocardiography I & II (2-Day Course)
- PG2 Bronch Day 2025: A Comprehensive, Hands-On Guide to Basic Broncoscopy, EBUS, and Guided Bronchoscopy
- PG3 Advances in the Management of Complex Sleep-Disordered Breathing and Chronic Respiratory Failure
- PG4 Methodology for Innovative Health Equity Research: A Grant Proposal Workshop
- PG5 Pulmonary Hypertension: What You Need to Know Today
- PG6 Complex Care of Children With Chronic Respirtory Failure
- PG7 A Hands-On Introduction to Studying the Lung Microbiome
- PG8 Innovative Preclinical Models for Human Lung Research: Bridging the Gap From Bench to Bedside
- PG9 Interstitial Lung Disease: Implementing Guidelines for Patient Centered Care
- PG10 Pulmonary Function Testing: State of the Art in 2025
- PG11 Critical Care of the Modern Oncology Patient
- PG1B Critical Care Ultrasound and Echocardiography (2-Day Course)
- PG12 State of the Art: Lung Cancer in 2025
- PG13 Lung Immunity and Respiratory Infection
- PG14 Updates on Lung Transplantation: What Pulmonologists Need to Know
- PG15 Integrative Lung Bioinformatics: From Data to Discovery
- PG16 Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing: Advances and Applications
- PG17 Occupational and Environmental Lung Disease 101: Does My Patient Have Occupational Lung Disease?
- PG18 Empowering & Developing the Next Generation of URiM Leaders
- PG19 A Swan Dive Into Hemodynamics: Mastering Pulmonary Artery CathetersHalf-Day Course
- PG20 Tackling Obesity in Patients With Sleep-Disordered BreathingHalf-Day Course

Meet the Expert Seminars
Meet the Expert Seminars are informal one-hour morning small group seminars that offer a platform for direct interaction with recognized leaders in specific fields. Join expert researchers, clinicians, technology or procedural expert speakers, and emerging independent academics covering various topics. Most sessions will start with a 20–30-minute presentation followed by a discussion with the speaker(s). Sessions fill up quickly and registration is limited!
Pre-registration and additional fee are required. $100 Member/Non-Member
- MTE1 Choosing and Monitoring Immunosuppression in ILD Patients
- MTE2 Making Waves: Oscillometry Basics and Interpretation for Clinical and Research Application
- MTE3 The Approach to a Malignant Pleural Effusion
- MTE4 Bronchiecstasis - More Than a Case of Chronic Cough
- MTE5 The Evaluation of Recurrent Pulmonary Infections: Identification of Primary Immunodeficiency and Differential Diagnosis
- MTE6 Hitchhiker's Guide to Navigating Single Cell RNA Sequencing: Critical Insights for Users
- MTE7 Lung Transplantation Post Childhood Cancer Therapy
- MTE8 Neurologic Consultations in the ICU
- MTE9 Has the Time Come to Aim for Asthma Remission?
- MTE10 Answering Difficult Clinical Questions in Management of Sarcoidosisv
- MTE11 Sleep, The Forgotten Dimension of COPD Care
- MTE12 Pulmonary Nodule Evaluation in the Age of Artifical Intelligence
- MTE13 "Hard" Data in Scleroderma ILD: New Guidelines and Mangement Strategies
- MTE14 Exploring Novel Collaborations and Social Determinants for Health Care Equity
- MTE15 Simply Does It: Delivering Pulmonary Rehabilitation Using Minimal Exercise Equipment
- MTE16 Teaching Cases in Endemic Fungal Pneumonia for the Non-Endemic Clinician
- MTE17 Two Bad Diseases Are Worse Than One: Pulmonary Hypertension in ILD and COPD
- MTE18 Pediatric Airway Sampling: Are We Doing It Right?
- MTE19 Small But Mighty- Isolation and Analysis OFEVS in Lung Health and Diseases
- MTE20 Generative AI for Lung Imaging and Disease Diagnosis
- MTE21 Taking Your Multidisciplinary ICU Teaching Rounds to the Next Level
- MTE22 Professional Identity Formation: Preparing the Next Generaio to be More Than Doctors
- MTE23 Don't Miss It: Identifying and Managing Exposures Linked to Sarcoidosis
- MTE24 Leveraging Clinical Polysomnography and Electronic Health Record Data for Research
- MTE25 Immunologic Underpiings of COPD
- MTE26 The ABC's of Ventilator Waveforms
- MTE27 Bronchiectasis: Following the Updated Guidelines and Assessing New Therapeutics
- MTE28 Care Delivery Models for Critical Illness Recovery
- MTE29 Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Pulmonary Medicine
- MTE30 Gray Areas - Management of PAH i the Patient With Cormobidities
- MTE31 How to Diagnose BOS in Pediatric HSCT Patients
- MTE32 Advanced Use of Asthma Biologics: A Case-Based Master Class
- MTE33 Airway and Pleural Complications Management in Lung Transplant
- MTE34 From Feathers to Antifibrotics: Exposures, Treatment, and Prognosis in Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
- MTE35 How to Implement a Comprehensive Lung Nodule Program
- MTE36 Myositis-Associated ILD: Updates on Diagnostic and Treatment Challenges

Medical Education Seminars
Medical Education seminars are designed for trainees and faculty members at all levels who wish to improve their skills in clinical education.
Pre-registration is required. Attendance is limited.